Freedom – Energy – Action – Life
Are you ready to embrace your future?
Are you ready for change?
It’s time to commit to living your best life, starting NOW.
Transformation Package:
The Transformation Package is a six-week, intensive commitment to extraordinary change. Invest in delving deep into exploring your dreams, finding the real you, and breaking free to live the life you want to live. It entails:
One hour per week for six weeks
Private, in-person coaching
Human and horse partnership focusing solely on helping you achieving your goals
1:1 EquistriFree Coaching Session:
Need a top-up coaching session?
Want to explore a new idea?
Have a problem you need help solving?
One-hour, in-person private coaching session with human and horse partnership
To custom design a program that addresses your specific needs, please contact me.
Click here to view our cancellation policy.